Surya Kriya - Isha Hatha Yoga - Synchronise yourself with the sun!

Sa25MrzganztägigSurya Kriya - Isha Hatha Yoga - Synchronise yourself with the sun!(ganztägig: Samstag) Kategorie 💖 HEALINGFormatWORKSHOP

Was dich erwartet

If you feel balanced in your body, mind and emotion, you can adventure into life! This wisdom that I heard from Sadhguru and has confirmed itself in so many ways!
If you want to experience and bring balance into your life, join us for the Surya Kriya Workshop!
„Surya“ means sun and “Kriya” means the inner energy process. Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana, or solar heat, in the system.

✅Enhances physical health
✅Develops mental clarity and focus
✅Remedies weak constitution
✅Boosts vigor and vitality
✅Balances hormonal levels in your body

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Über mich und meine Arbeit

I am Ina – Isha Hatha Yoga teacher. I have completed 1750h training designed by Sadhguru in Isha Yoga Center, India. Since 2017 I am committed to spread this ancient wisdom and knowledge to all who are willing to know it. Isha Hatha Yoga empowers people to wisdwom and inner wellbeing. Isha Hatha Yoga is a complete path by itself to bring balance between the male and female, the sun and the moon dimension within us.


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